Oh my dear mother,
how precious you are.
Some people value diamonds, gold and silver,
Others value money it self,
But no one really knows what there really is to value.
I value you
The only super special person in my life.
Some people travel the world to find themselves
Others travel in search of love
And all of this I have found in a very special heart
The heart of my mother,
It has no boundaries,
As your love carries on forever
Despite the hurt I cause you with every passing day
The heart of my mother has no end as the seven seas,
I see this everyday, in her kindness and in her eyes when she laughs.
When she gets angry and then forgives and forgets.
The heart of my mother loves unconditionally
This too I see everyday.
We all think of our selves first
But the heart of my mother…
She is the last
The children, it’s them who always come first
No matter what they might have done.
Mistakes I shall make all my life.
That’s the only reason Allah has blessed me with such a beautiful person like you to be in my life to guide and correct me.
Without you mum I wouldn’t be able to be who I am today and nor will I have any future.
Like a house needs a foundation and the roof needs the four walls, I need you.
You are my pillars mum, the pillars that keep me up everyday.
And it is always good to know that you will always be standing their with arms wide open ready to catch me every time I fall.
Mum…I am really really sorry for all the times I might have caused you any pain or grief, misbehaved or through tantrums, scram or disobeyed you in even the slightest of ways.
Thank you mum…
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I cannot say I know what you feel. Because we are all different, we all feel different.
Deep down inside, I know. Somewhere in your broken heart, there it is, in a dark corner, lies a spec of light.
A light which is forever burning. It burns for the memories, the good times and the bad, it burns for those we love, or even used to… it burns to keep us alive and strong.
It burns for what our eyes fail to see, our ears fail to hear and our heart fails to feel.
For when all falls and we are left with nothing…this light keeps on burning.
It reminds us, this light; it reminds us of one special thing, one special being, the one in control of our very existence.
The one who has all the answers, the one who has the key to every lock, the pen to every chapter, the one who knows all.
Often when in need and it seems that there is no one to talk to or no one who’d listen…this light will always be burning as it flickers.
We need answers and the keys to all the locks in life.
Who better to ask then the one who put it there in the first place?
Lay down your head and open your heart, speak as you feel, ask all you want, cry as you may…for He is always there, to listen to us, to catch our every tear…if you walk to me. I will run to you.
He is always with us…no matter what…we are never barren even if we may feel.
He is the great, the Mighty, the Merciful, the knower of all things, the Helper, the Guider…so if we cannot ask Him…
then who else…
Deep down inside, I know. Somewhere in your broken heart, there it is, in a dark corner, lies a spec of light.
A light which is forever burning. It burns for the memories, the good times and the bad, it burns for those we love, or even used to… it burns to keep us alive and strong.
It burns for what our eyes fail to see, our ears fail to hear and our heart fails to feel.
For when all falls and we are left with nothing…this light keeps on burning.
It reminds us, this light; it reminds us of one special thing, one special being, the one in control of our very existence.
The one who has all the answers, the one who has the key to every lock, the pen to every chapter, the one who knows all.
Often when in need and it seems that there is no one to talk to or no one who’d listen…this light will always be burning as it flickers.
We need answers and the keys to all the locks in life.
Who better to ask then the one who put it there in the first place?
Lay down your head and open your heart, speak as you feel, ask all you want, cry as you may…for He is always there, to listen to us, to catch our every tear…if you walk to me. I will run to you.
He is always with us…no matter what…we are never barren even if we may feel.
He is the great, the Mighty, the Merciful, the knower of all things, the Helper, the Guider…so if we cannot ask Him…
then who else…
A Disappearing World
I need you all to close your eyes. Take a deep breathe in and slowly breathe out. Now picture this. A calm, serene and tranquil environment. Enrobed in a thick luxurious blanket- it helps to keep the place balanced. The warm sun silently filters through, gently warming your skin, greenery all around you, birds chirping and a light breeze makes the leaves whistle. Oh! How peaceful.
Suddenly with a bang, a huge hole occurs in the thick blanket.Whats happening, everything is upset. Now there is too much sunlight, there are no more birds singing and the greenery has silently vanished. A gentle breeze now turns into a violent storm.
Our heaven on earth has turned into a disaster zone. You probably thinking, ‘’Man, this girl watches too many movies.’’ But unfortunately this is the truth my dear friends. Our planet is heading for a disaster and is crying for help. All we do is stand back and relax. Now I welcome you to our terse reality, our disappearing world and to global warming.
‘’Global warming’’- words often spoken about but never taken into consideration.
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth, near its surface and its oceans, and is mainly influenced by human activities. Now what on Earth does an increase in temperature have to do with us, right? WRONG! An increase in global temperature in turn causes other changes, including sea level rising and changes in the amount and patterns of rainfall. There may also be an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme whether events such as tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and more. Other effects may include changes in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, a difference in season change, species extinctions and an increase in the range of disease vectors. You tell me how that doesn’t affect our lives!
Now that we know what it’s doing we now have to stop it, but before that we need to know how it is caused. Ever heard about the green-house effect? The green house effect is unquestionably real and helps to regulate the temperature of our planet. It is essential for life on Earth and is one of Earth’s natural processors. It is the result in heat absorption by certain gases in the atmosphere and re-radiation downward of some of that same heat back onto Earth. The concern is not that we have a green-house effect rather it is weather human activities are leading to the enhancement of it. Human activity had been increasing the concentration of green-house gases in the atmosphere. Mostly carbon dioxide, from combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
Scientist have predicted that global temperature will increase anywhere from 1.4 degrees Celsius to 1.5 degrees Celsius from 1990 to the year 2100. Also that snow-extent and sea-ice will decrease further in the northern hemisphere, and that glaciers and ice-caps are expected to continue to retreat.
Before we are taken from this world, lets leave it a place to be seen for the future generations. A place with no health hazards, one of peace and tranquility,
joy and happiness. Lets not leave behind a devastating past. Lets not be selfish, it is not always about what we can take but rather what we can give. So lets leave behind a beautiful world.
If Only You Knew
Blood filled rivers flow beneath a dark sky
Not a spec of blue insight
A thick cloud of grey and brown
Smog and smoke fill your lungs as you breathe in
Burnt trees stand half way up from the ground…
If they were lucky to survive.
Rubble lies beneath my feet.
I stand over what is left of my home.
The sound of guns firing, sirens running, people screaming and crying in
Despite my bleeding head, my sore throat and all the pain
I search frantically for my family
…but there is no one insight.
I see in the far what looks like a hand.
A glimpse of hope.
And so I tear the rubble like a starving wolf.
I find what is left of my mothers body,
Her hand lies alone,
Her body unknown.
Instead of standing under a clear blue sky,
Under which rivers of crystal clear spring water flows,
Where trees are rich and flourishing,
Where birds sing and buildings stand tall and proud.
Where people are happy and the air is clear.
I stand here.
This is my world.
The world the UN did not stop
The world Bush wants for his ‘War O Terror’
The world for which today I stand alone
Only with one God
The world for which my father was imprisoned unjustly,
My mother martyred,
My little brother suffocated,
My baby sister burnt.
The world which the world cannot see…
The world which the world does not want to see.
This is my world.
The world which you will never know.
A world created by your leader for ‘World Peace’
Where every citizen is stripped off their human rights
And no one even cares.
As you reading this my world is tearing apart.
My brothers are dying.
And you at home are trying to past time.
Giving your dimes seems the right thing to do…
If you only knew what they do…
You’d think twice before you spare again.
The amo, the bombs, the drugs,
the tanks that blew up my house.
If only you knew.
Not a spec of blue insight
A thick cloud of grey and brown
Smog and smoke fill your lungs as you breathe in
Burnt trees stand half way up from the ground…
If they were lucky to survive.
Rubble lies beneath my feet.
I stand over what is left of my home.
The sound of guns firing, sirens running, people screaming and crying in
Despite my bleeding head, my sore throat and all the pain
I search frantically for my family
…but there is no one insight.
I see in the far what looks like a hand.
A glimpse of hope.
And so I tear the rubble like a starving wolf.
I find what is left of my mothers body,
Her hand lies alone,
Her body unknown.
Instead of standing under a clear blue sky,
Under which rivers of crystal clear spring water flows,
Where trees are rich and flourishing,
Where birds sing and buildings stand tall and proud.
Where people are happy and the air is clear.
I stand here.
This is my world.
The world the UN did not stop
The world Bush wants for his ‘War O Terror’
The world for which today I stand alone
Only with one God
The world for which my father was imprisoned unjustly,
My mother martyred,
My little brother suffocated,
My baby sister burnt.
The world which the world cannot see…
The world which the world does not want to see.
This is my world.
The world which you will never know.
A world created by your leader for ‘World Peace’
Where every citizen is stripped off their human rights
And no one even cares.
As you reading this my world is tearing apart.
My brothers are dying.
And you at home are trying to past time.
Giving your dimes seems the right thing to do…
If you only knew what they do…
You’d think twice before you spare again.
The amo, the bombs, the drugs,
the tanks that blew up my house.
If only you knew.
My Vission Statement
Wherever the path leads to, wherever I might go, I will have a burning eagerness to carry on and keep the flow. I will take it upon myself to strive for each day. To make the most come out of it I’ll stand in Gods way, with hands open wide I know he will help assist me in my mission. I hope to gain respect. May my character outshine the stars and my belief be as strong as the sun. I pray for my future and hope my Aaghirah is as promising as the moon is every night. I know Allah will help me; He’ll assist me in my fight.
My Mission Statement
I want to achieve greatness and only I know what it means. I want to gain knowledge and skills, it’s a promising dream. I will excel in my strengths and improve on my weaknesses. Ill go out and grab every opportunity, it comes in no sequences. I’ll seize every moment, own it and hold it and make the most of it. What is meant to be for me will be. I know I can achieve as much as I want to. Everything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Read Between The Lines
How failure to do so, by misinterpreting and assuming, has grave consequences.
Have you ever been in the situation where people read you wrong and fail to comprehend your point? Where they refuse to understand and quickly base their views on a simple but yet silly assumptions. Yes, I believe we have all been in a similar situation at least once in our lives.
As we see in the play Julius Caesar, the reason to murder Caesar is based on an assumption made by the conspirators. They believed Caesar was becoming too powerful and if he accepts the crown he might snatch away the people’s freedom.
Much of the play deals with the characters failure to interpret correctly the omens that they encounter. The same goes for today. We often misread situations and the consequences are so great they can be life changing or life threatening.
Another problem which also arises from Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar is that the people often confuse their private selves with their public selves. They simply do not know the barrier between the two and then begin to combine the two. We can use Brutus as an example: regardless of the fact that he was a good and close friend of Caesar, he goes ahead with the murder thinking he is doing it for the good of the people of Rome. This confusion assists in our failure to recognize, read certain actions and events which again leads to assumptions and misinterpretations.
Many of the world’s life changing events have been related to such topics, all which can be related to Julius Caesar. For example, the murder of Caesar and the assassination of the thirty-fifth president of the United States. As the authorities have made assumptions about Caesar, similarly the authorities of the U.S have had certain misunderstandings of John F Kennedy and therefore had him killed. Although Oswald is known to be his assassinator, there is reason to doubt as some still believe his death was a result of a conspiracy. A similar story can be told of the Princes of Whales, Lady Diana, who was also believed to have been murdered in a conspiracy plot.
Another valid reason why we as people fail to read between the lines in interpreting situations correctly without making assumptions is a lack of communication. When there is a gap between communication there is automatically going to be misinterpretation of the situation and then any further views would now be based on assumption.
This shows the importance of communication between you and your associate. In order to bridge the cap one should not be afraid to ask questions and in doing so one should be upfront and clear. Once this gap is bridged and we are now able to understand the next person’s views it now becomes easier to relate to that person and we then begin to interpret the situation we are in correctly.
As a leader and as a person, one should stand firm on ones feet and should not be swayed easily. Once we begin to confuse, misinterpret and assume we, to a certain point, loose the plot we were initially striving for. Let us not be caught up in this situation again and if so that we are, we can detangle our selves easily.
Joburg City

It’s a city with a rhythm,
It’s a city with a vibe,
A city with undercurrents
That makes you want to drive.
Everything, though, is not always well and good.
There’s murder, theft and rape.
You’ll find it everywhere.
From newspaper headlines and the ally way under the night sky,
To the vast veldt in broad day light.
There is the rich, there is the poor,
And the struggle to survive is to work for.
The rich do coffee shops,
The poor do the streets.
We all live our lives,
There’s nothing worth risking it for.
Drive through its streets
And you will find happiness
Within the heavy mists of unfortunates.
It’s a great city
A city worth seeing.
It is Joburg city,
A city for me.
A city full of hope
And great expectations.
A city which is developing
And won’t hesitate to produce successes
It is Joburg city.
For you,
For me,
For everybody.
Propaganda is the art of indoctrination and manipulation. It is used to persuade a mass of people into believing a certain thing by using a one-sided argument. This is accomplished by distorting or not revealing the entire truth. Propagandist use all sorts of communication including speech and the Mass Media
A summary on propaganda:
¨ Distorting or not revealing the entire truth.
¨ Use of indoctrination.
¨ Very subtle and inviting.
¨ Use of jargon.
¨ Mass Media in media campaigns.
¨ Persuade a mass of people into believing a certain thing.
¨ Shape and manipulate peoples believe by using a one-sided argument.
A summary on propaganda:
¨ Distorting or not revealing the entire truth.
¨ Use of indoctrination.
¨ Very subtle and inviting.
¨ Use of jargon.
¨ Mass Media in media campaigns.
¨ Persuade a mass of people into believing a certain thing.
¨ Shape and manipulate peoples believe by using a one-sided argument.
My first impressions of Animal Farm
At first I was not too impressed when I heard that the story was all about animals on a farm. I took it to be a very light, easy study, nothing too intense or highly captivating.
After the introduction of Animal Farm (28 April 2008)-the 1st lesson- my perspective of the novel changed dramatically.
We had the brief history of George Orwell presented to us. This gave us the essential background knowledge to why the novel was written and what it was intended to do.
I came to learn that the novel actually combines 3 literary forms:
1. Fable
2. Satire
3. Allegory
Learning about this has played a key role to my perspective of the novel as I now know what Orwell intended us to see and learn. We accomplished all of this by taking a deeper look into meanings and references made in the novel.
My first impression on Animal Farm
At first I was not too impressed when I heard that the story was all about animals on a farm. I took it to be a very light, easy study, nothing too intense or highly captivating.
After the introduction of Animal Farm (28 April 2008)-the 1st lesson- my perspective of the novel changed dramatically.
We had the brief history of George Orwell presented to us. This gave us the essential background knowledge to why the novel was written and what it was intended to do.
I came to learn that the novel actually combines 3 literary forms:
1. Fable
2. Satire
3. Allegory
Learning about this has played a key role to my perspective of the novel as I now know what Orwell intended us to see and learn. We accomplished all of this by taking a deeper look into meanings and references made in the novel.
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