Sunday, August 26, 2007

Joburg City

It’s a city with a rhythm,
It’s a city with a vibe,
A city with undercurrents
That makes you want to drive.

Everything, though, is not always well and good.
There’s murder, theft and rape.
You’ll find it everywhere.
From newspaper headlines and the ally way under the night sky,
To the vast veldt in broad day light.

There is the rich, there is the poor,
And the struggle to survive is to work for.
The rich do coffee shops,
The poor do the streets.
We all live our lives,
There’s nothing worth risking it for.

Drive through its streets
And you will find happiness
Within the heavy mists of unfortunates.
It’s a great city
A city worth seeing.
It is Joburg city,
A city for me.

A city full of hope
And great expectations.
A city which is developing
And won’t hesitate to produce successes
It is Joburg city.
For you,
For me,
For everybody.

Evaluation: The Vaal Hearings

I was surprised to find out how many great stories were still hidden under the soil. This was our chance to do something for our country and the people in it. We interviewed people and retrieved their life experiences from deep within their hearts. They were extremely happy to know that finally their experiences of the struggle will be exposed. It was gripping to know that ordinary people were so active in opposing the struggle. It got me thinking about my self and the youth of today. I found myself questioning “ what did I do for my people, for my self… to make a difference?” . The answer was obvious. I did not do much. The same school project had now evolved into a moral inspiration, and a reforming one as well.
Evaluation: Term 2

By now I had adjusted well to the new way of teaching. The lessons were becoming more interesting and informative as we then began to work well outside the class room.

Our study of The Merchant of Venice was concluded and we then began the study of Cry the Beloved Country. We centered all our activities on the book and the Apartheid era. This also was the beginning to our latest project, The Vaal Hearings. (Continuation into term 3)
Evaluation: Plays and Projects

This project was based on Cry the Beloved Country. It was highly informative as we had to view our country and our surroundings in a different perspective. We based our projects on the contrast between the rich and the poor in South Africa. Looking through our evidence and the reality in front of us , we came to a conclusion that the situation is highly off balance. This experience was unsettling, informative and most of all fulfilling as it made me realize how blessed and fortunate I am. It made me appreciate every small detail in my daily life. Exposing and informative, an awakening experience.
Evaluation: Audio Assignment

This project was based on The Merchant of Venice. We had to do a news slot and record it. For me, this experience was a gateway to a new beginning. It demanded all I had as I had to break out of my shell (and definitely couldn’t afford to be shy). It helped me grow and helped me to realize that I can do anything, I just had to try. At first it was impossible, but as I went along doing it I discovered hidden capabilities and at the end had a great time doing it!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Evaluation of term 1

During term one we began our study of Merchant Of Venice written by William Shakespeare. At fist I was afraid I would not manage, the work load was a lot and keeping up to it wasn’t easy. As time went by though, I learnt time management and the skill of keeping in touch with all latest developments in the classroom. My understanding of the English used in his plays had increased as the weeks went by. Open to this new world of English the lessons were exciting, captivating and mind stimulating.